2022-07-24 Plastic recycling is a big lie
2022-07-23 You should always talk about your salary with your coworkers
2022-07-22 Prostitution and spam killed Craigslist
2022-07-21 Why does Apple hate the scrollbar?
2022-07-20 Mackenzie Bezos is the only true altruistic billionaire
2022-07-19 The MCU has sucked the life out of movies
2022-07-18 Got a great job, but still unhappy?
2022-07-17 Why can't the government put a limit on car sizes?
2022-07-16 What is the best least addictive phone?
2022-07-15 Elon Musk is our generation's Donald Trump
2022-07-14 Our generation's greatest minds are being wasted
2022-07-13 The world needs more non-profit tech companies
2022-07-13 Reddit moderators need to be stopped
2022-07-12 Readable code is better than efficient code
2022-07-11 I've stop using dark mode
2022-07-10 Signs you're talking to a scammer
2022-07-09 I've come to hate the term Best Practice
2022-07-08 Bad UI is causing people to get scammed
2022-07-07 My return to desktop applications
2022-07-06 Case for self-hosted google search